Ру O`z En

Licenses and certificates

The company's products are certified, testing and measuring laboratories (Research Chemical and Technological Laboratory - NICHTL, Measuring Laboratory of Metrology - ILM, Sanitary Laboratory, Laboratory of Non-destructive Testing Methods - LNMK, Technical Control Department – OTC) regularly undergo accreditation and certification/ approval procedures in the State Enterprise "Uzbek Accreditation Center" (O'ZAK) of the National Certification and Standardization System of the Republic of Uzbekistan for compliance with the requirements:                      

  • O'z DSt ISO/IEC 17025:2019 (ISO/IEC 17025) "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories";
  • O'z DSt 3444:2020 "General requirements for the competence of metrological services performing verification of measuring instruments";
  • O'z DSt 3410:2019 "General requirements for the technical competence of testing laboratories".

The activities of testing and measuring laboratories and OTC are accredited/approved by the Accreditation Center:

  • ILM was accredited on 03.05.2021 for the "Right to carry out verification of measuring instruments" in accordance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3444 (certificate O'ZAK.QL.0042);
  • The activity of LNMK was "approved" on 02.11.2021 for "The right to determine defects in the base metal, welded joints by technical diagnostics" (certificate No. ML.0482) for compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3410;
  • The activity of the Sanitary Laboratory was "approved" on 02/18/2022 for compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3410 (certificate No. ML.0615);
  • The activities of the Technical Control Department were "approved" on 03/15/2022 for compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3410 (certificate No. ML.0649);
  • The activities of NICHTL were "approved" on 08/09/2022 for compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3410 (certificate No. ML.0866).

Work is actively underway on the accreditation procedure of NICHTL and confirmation of compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 17025.

Stages of the formation of NICHTL:

  • From 1994 to 2004 - accreditation for confirmation of technical competence for compliance with O'z DSt 16.4:1994;
  • 2004 - reaccreditation for confirmation of technical competence for compliance with O'z DSt 16.4:2001. Certificate of accreditation No. NSS.UZ.07.NSO.287.
  • 2007 - accreditation for confirmation of technical competence for compliance with O'z DSt ISO 17025:2007. Certificate of accreditation No. UZ.ATM.07.MAI.624.
  • 2015 - reaccreditation for confirmation of technical competence for compliance with O'z DSt ISO 17025:2007. Certificate of Accreditation No. UZ.ATM.07.MAI.947
  • 2021 - February 2022 - development of documents for accreditation for compliance with O'z DSt ISO 17025:2019, examination of documents, performance of work to eliminate comments.
  • In 2022, conducting a conformity assessment procedure for technical competence for compliance with the requirements of O'z DSt 3410. Work continues on the accreditation procedure.

Accreditation - approval of IL:

Product Annotations:



According to the Law "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods", the trademark of the company was developed and registered on 17.09.1993 at the State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Registration number No. 3545.

  • Since 1993, the company's products have been sold on the domestic and foreign markets with an approved Trademark marking.
  • The validity period of the company's Trademark certificate No. 3545 in 2022 was extended by the Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 10 years – until 17.09.2033.
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