Sulfuric electrolyte
Sulfuric electrolyte is received by dilution by chemically purified water concentrated by a chamois of acid. Sulfuric electrolyte conforms to the following requirements and norms:
- Excess of the top limit of a mass fraction of monohydrate is allowed.
- Trade name: Sulfuric electrolyte
Chemical formula: H2SO4
It is used
Sulfuric electrolyte for gas station of lead-acid batteries and automobile accumulators.
It is transported
in polyethylene canisters and in a glass container, the consumer's container is also used.
It is marked
by printing way or the label on consumer packing is pasted.
It is stored
in the closed warehouse in pure capacities a lined acidproof tile, in canisters or a glass container in which he is transported. Storage of sulfuric electrolyte in one room with foodstuff isn't allowed. The warranty period of storage and an expiration date of sulfuric electrolyte - isn't limited.
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